Preventing a certain Windows Update from installing on Windows 1. This post explains how to prevent a certain update from installing on a Windows 1. The information below might not be accuraterelevant for future updates. UPDATE Microsoft has released a tool to hide unwanted updates, which makes the process described below much simpler During its preview, Windows 1. IJsdCp_GYOUdEvjRqCVcNAbpob0=/fit-in/x/2017/02/16/c77a4bd0-fbad-4d47-8205-158e010e6076/dell-gestures.jpg' alt='Disable Synaptics Smbus Touchpad Windows 10' title='Disable Synaptics Smbus Touchpad Windows 10' />It was possible to modify this using various Group Policy settings and a bit of registry tweaking, but since build 1. Windows Update applet in Control Panel. On my machine HP Elite. Book 8. 57. 0w, an update for the Synaptics Touch. Pad drivers took away my middle button, it simply did not appear anymore on the Touch. Pad properties. Uninstalling the update, and installing the Windows 8. Synaptics driver from the HP website helped, but within a day it was automatically updated again. An answer on Super. User suggested disabling all automatic driver updates, but I didnt want to do that. Luckily, I found a way to disable this particular update despite Windows Update settings were not changeable with a wonderful set of Power. Shell tools called Windows Update Power. Shell Module. Heres how to install the Power. Shell module and disable unwanted Windows Updates USERPROFILEDocumentsWindows. Power. ShellModulesorWINDIRSystem. Windows. Power. Shellv. Modulesthe former does not require elevationTemporary disable Execution Policy, to allow importing unsigned scripts. From an elevated Power. Shell console type Set Execution. Policy Unrestrictedfollowed by Import Module PSWindows. Update. After the module had been imported, restore the Execution Policy to a reasonable setting, such as Remote. Signed. Uninstall the unwanted update if installed, then run the following command to get a list of all available windows updates Computer. Name Status KB Size Title LAMBDACORE D 6. MB Synaptics driver update for Synaptics SMBus Touch. Pad. LAMBDACORE D KB2. Google Tv Box 2009 Patched Bomber. MB Update for Microsoft One. Drive for Business KB2. Bit Edition. LAMBDACORE D KB2. MB Update for Microsoft Office 2. KB2. 96. 52. 55 6. Bit Edition. Hide the Synaptics driver update by issuing the following command PS Hide WUUpdate Title Synaptics driverComputer. Name Status KB Size Title LAMBDACORE D H 6. MB Synaptics driver update for Synaptics SMBus Touch. Pad. The letter H now signifying that the update is hidden Thats it, the update will now be hidden from Windows Updates, and wont be installed. To unhide, run PS Hide WUUpdate Title Synaptics driver Hide. Status false. Now, all I have to do is change the two finger scroll direction, and I can get back to workWindows 10 Forums the biggest Windows 10 help and support forum, friendly help and many tutorials that will help you get the most out of Microsofts latest Operating. List of USB IDs Maintained by Stephen J. Gowdy If you have any new entries, please submit them via http or send. Should I remove Synaptics Pointing Device Driver by Synaptics The Synaptics device driver is customized to meet the specific requirements of your device manufacturer. List of USB IDs Maintained by Stephen J. Gowdy If you have any new entries, send them to the maintainer. Send entries as patches diff u old new. I have a new Inspiron 5758, about 2 months old, and want to upgrade to Windows 10 64 bit from Windows 7 64 bit. Now the upgrade itself works fine, the only issue I.