Allegorithmic is the developer of Substance, the killer app when it comes to texturing the next wave of 3D. You can get up to a 6. Adaptivity recomputation is faster by a factor of 2 to 3. Other general improvements add an additional 5 speedup. Optimization of render elements mean they need 2. NEW FUNCTIONALITYWeve added the Material Library, a collection of over 3. All major hair and fur rendering tools are now supported. Dedicated shaders for Skin and for Hair let you create realistic materials with the ease that Corona Renderer is known for. New Subsurface Scattering in the Corona Material makes creating marble and other materials easier and more realistic than before. Dispersion gives extra realism to gemstones, glass and liquids. The dedicated Corona CameraAND MORE Full details later on the page, but first COMPANY NEWSChaos Group merger. As most of you already know, on August 2. Chaos Group, the makers of V Ray. Corona Renderer 1. Corona Renderer from V Ray. You can learn more on our announcement blog post. Corona Academy. The next sessions for Corona Academy are set for November 1. December 2nd to 3rd in Prague. These will be the first Corona Academy sessions based on Corona Renderer 1. Corona Renderer for Cinema 4. DDevelopment is forging ahead, with Interactive Rendering now in the daily builds. Keep up with the development schedule on the Corona Renderer for Cinema 4. D roadmap, and download the latest daily builds to try it for yourself We also had a great time as one of the sponsors at the recent Half Rez 6 event in Chicago Weve also been updating our Helpdesk articles, and will continue to add to these as well as our video tutorials. NEW FEATURESSPEEDUPS AND MEMORYNew and Improved Image Sampler Cosmetics scene by Juraj Talcik. This is capable of speeding up your render by 2 times, and is on by default for all new and old scenes. The sampler is in fact the DMC sampler from V Ray, one of the first benefits for Corona Renderer users arising from the merger with Chaos GroupNote The sample images here did not take advantage of the new optional Adaptive Direct Light Sampling, to isolate the changes from the DMC sampler aloneAdaptive Direct Light Sampling This optional new algorithm can speed up your renders by up to 6 times by learning which scene lights are important at a particular location. Those lights then receive more rays than the others, resulting in a lower noise level. The new algorithm can give benefits whenever there are at least two lights in the scene, and it has no parameters that you need to set. The biggest benefits will be seen when there are many lights, or where the lights have complex emission profiles, or in scenes with high occlusion where a lot of the lighting is blocked by obstacles. For compatibility with older scenes and to ensure trouble free rendering in new scenes, this is disabled by default. You can enable the new algorithm under the Performance Settings section of the Render Setup, or leave it disabled if you experience any issues with the new algorithm in particular scenes in particular, it may have problems with certain non physical fakes and transparent lights, and this will be updated in the next release. Other Speedups Faster and better adaptivity calculation. Faster adaptivity recomputation speed up by a factor of 2 to 3 this should prevent low CPU usage when rendering small regions. Massive speedup of interactive rendering in scenes with heavy instancing. Optimized glasswater sampling speedups of around 5 times can be obtained for complex glass shapes for example, chandeliers, or lots of glasses stacked behind each otherUpdated to new Embree 3 general speedupUpdated to new instancing system inside Embree, yielding lowered memory consumption, and faster interactive updates. Additional 2 general speedup. Another significant speedup due to better sampling scenes with glossy surfaces clean up faster, hair renders much faster and no longer produces faint colored fireflies. Speeded up parsing of geometry with non Corona materials. Memory Savings Render element memory optimization most elements will consume 2. CShadingSource. Color and CShadingAlbedo render elements now use 3. CPUs supporting F1. C instruction set Ivy BridgeBulldozer and newerCORONA MATERIAL LIBRARYThe new Material Library provides more than 3. The library includes easy to use functionality such as Materials can be viewed by category. Can set and view only favorites. Drag and drop materials into the viewport, Slate, and Compact material editors. Assign a material to the objects selected in the scene. Select all objects in the scene that use a certain material. Many dont need UV mapping, as they use the Corona Triplanar map. And more You can find the Material Library under the new Corona tab in the main menu, or in the Scene tab of the Render Setup dialog This is just the first iteration of the Material Library, and functionality and features will be expanded in the future, for example to allow you to add your own materials keep an eye on the roadmap where we will be announcing the future plans for it HAIR AND SKINSupport for all Hair and Fur Rendering Tools Support has been added for all major hair and fur rendering tools 3ds Max native Hair and Fur, Ornatrix, and Hair Farm. Dedicated Hair Shader The above image uses Corona. Hair and Corona. Skin, plus Dispersion for the jewelry hair created using Hair Farm. Hair has particular unique qualities that need a dedicated shader. The Corona. Hair. Mtl shader is physically accurate, and handles the unique highlights and transmission properties that hair requires, while still rendering quickly and giving you the ease of use in controlling the material that you expect from Corona Renderer. Dedicated Skin Shader Corona Hair Skin shaders, hair created in Ornatrix. Skin is one of the most complex materials to render, with many properties unique to skin that cannot be covered in an all purpose shader. The new Corona. Skin. Mtl shader makes it easy to control and adjust the look of the skin, and renders fast and efficiently with realistic results. Even if you have never tried rendering realistic skin before, youll find it easy to use and will get great results with the default settings. Corona Hair Skin shaders, hair created in Ornatrix. New Subsurface Scattering Mode in the Corona. Material The new SSS Mode in the Corona. Mtl is ideal for creating solid materials with SSS effects, such as marble, wax, food and others with easier control and more realistic results than before. Now you do not need to use Opacity, Refraction or Translucency and can control the effect purely from the Subsurface Scattering Amount, Radius and Scatter Color.