And this is known as the House in the. Woods. Very few people are permitted to go there, for the owner has. You must take. your own servant and the khansamah will cook you such simple food. You stay as long as. I had been staying in Ranipur of the plains while I considered. Upper Kashmir by the route from Simla. Chinese Tibet where I would touch Shipki in. JZO8/SwZdzQfBtEI/AAAAAAAABWA/rs7Nc1sZ_j8/s720/08_Level_4_Cafe.jpg' alt='Treasure Seekers Visions Of Gold Crack Head' title='Treasure Seekers Visions Of Gold Crack Head' />Dalai Lamas territory and then pass on to Zanskar and so down. Kashmira tremendous route through the Himalaya and a. I was at Ranipur for the purpose of consulting my old friend. Olesen, now an irrigation official in the Rampur districta. It is not now perhaps so dangerous as it was, and my life was of no. I pass over the long discussions of ways and means in the. Ranipur. Olesen put all his knowledge at my. We had vanquished the details and. You dont like the average hotel, Ormond, and youll like it. Simla way with all the Simla crowd of grass widows. I wonder if I could get you a permit for The House in the. Woods while you re waiting to fix up your men and route for. Shipki. He explained and of course I jumped at the chance. It belonged. he said, to a man named Rup Singh, a pandit, or learned man of. Ranipur. He had always spent the summer there, but age and failing. And Rup Singh and I are very good friends, Olesen said I won. Sukh Mandir, or Hall of Pleasure. Maharao of Ranipur for a summer. Simla. There are lots of. Ranipur. They call it The House of Beauty. Rup Singhs ancestor had been a close friend of the Maharao and was. You have a good chance if I ask for a permit. He told me the story and since it is the heart of my own I give. Many centuries ago the Ranipur Kingdom was ruled by the. Maharao Rai Singh a prince of the great lunar house of the Rajputs. Expecting a bride from some far away kingdom the name of this is. Hall of Pleasure as a summer palace, a. A certain great chamber he lined. Gods and their stories, almost. So, with the pine trees whispering. Paradise with this Queen in whom all loveliness was. And then some mysterious tragedy ended all his hopes. It. was rumoured that when the Princess came to his court, she was, by. After that nothing was known. Certain only is it that he fled to the hills, to the home of his. Of these two Rup Singhs ancestor. And in his thirty fifth year the Maharao died and his. Hall of Pleasure and. There was not a memory of the place up there, Olesen went on. Certainly I never heard anything of it when I went up to the. Shipki in 1. 90. 4. But I had been able to be useful to Rup Singh and. Treasure Seekers Visions Of Gold Crack Head' title='Treasure Seekers Visions Of Gold Crack Head' />The House in the Woods, and I stopped there. I remember that day so well. I was. wandering in the dense woods while my men got their midday grub. I missed the trail somehow and found myself in a part where the. It was as. if the trees were on guardthey stood shoulder to shoulder. Well, I halted, and had a notion there was. I must have. stood there five minutes hesitating. Then I pushed on, bruising the. Suddenly I tramped out of the jungle into a clearing, and. House, with blocks of marble lying all about. The weirdest thing you ever saw. I climbed some. fallen columns to get a better look, and as I did I saw a face. I sang out in Hindustani. Somehow that dampened. I didnt go in to what seemed like a great ruined. So I came ingloriously away and told Rup Singh. And his whole face changed. That is The House of Beauty, he said. All my life have I sought it and in vain. For, friend of my soul. And you who. have not sought have seen. Most strange are the way of the Gods. Later on I knew this was why he had always gone up yearly, thinking. God knows what. He and I tried for the place together. Twice he has let. The House in the Woods, and I think he. Did he ever tell you the storyNever. I only know what Ive picked up here. Some horrible. mistake about the Rani that drove the man almost mad with remorse. Ive heard bits here and there. Theres nothing so vital as. India. I wonder. That we shall never know. I got a little old picture of the. Maharaosaid to be painted by a Pahari artist. Its not. likely to be authentic, but you never can tell. A Brahman sold it. May I see itWhy certainly. Not a very good light, butcan do, as the. Chinks say. He brought it out rolled in silk stuff and I carried it under. A beautiful young man indeed, with the air of. He sat with his hands resting lightly on. State. A crescent of rubies clasped the. The magnificent hilt of a sword was ready beside him. The face was not only beautiful but arresting. A strange picture, I said. The artist has captured the man. I can see him trampling on any one who opposed him, and. It ought to be authentic if. Dont you know any moreNothing. Wellto bed, and tomorrow Ill see Rup. Singh. I was glad when he returned with the permission. I was to be. very careful, he said, to make no allusion to the lost palace, for. House in the Woodsa mother and. Rup Singh had granted hospitality because of an. But with true Oriental distrust of women. I promised and. asked Olesen if he knew them. Slightly. Canadians of Danish blood like my own. Their name is. Ingmar. Some people think the daughter good looking. The mother is. supposed to be clever keen on occult subjects which she came back. India to study. The husband was a great naturalist and the. He almost lived in the jungle and the natives had. You know what they are. They. said the birds and beasts followed him about. Any old thing starts. What was the connection with Rup SinghHe was in difficulties and undeservedly, and Ingmar generously. Like most Orientals he never forgets a good turn and. The father is long dead. By the. way Rup Singh gave me a queer message for you. He said Tell the. Sahib these wordsLet him who finds water in the desert. He is certainly getting. I dont suppose he knew himself what he meant. I certainly did not. However my way was thus smoothed for me and. I took the upward road, leaving Olesen to the long ungrateful toil. India without sufficient time or. There is no harder mistress unless you hold the pass key to her. Necessity sometimes takes me from. I shall make my feeble way back to her and die at her. So I went up from Kalka. I have never liked Simla. It is beautiful enougheight. Indian Government. Much. diplomacy is whispered on Observatory Hill and many are the lighter. Mr. Kipling and lesser men have written. But. Simla is also a gateway to many thingsto the mighty deodar. List Microsoft Word Text Fonts Download. Kulu, to. the eternal snows, to the old, old bridle way that leads up to the. Shipki Pass and the mysteries of Tibetand to the strange. So I passed through with scarcely a. I was attended. by my servant Ali Khan, a Mohammedan from Nagpur, sent up with me. Olesen with strong recommendation. He was a stout walker, so too. I, and an inveterate dislike to the man drawn carriage whenever. House in the Woods, sending on the baggage. Ali Khan despatched. Subhan Alla Praise be to God the air is sweet he said. What time does the Sahib look to reach the. HouseAbout five or six.