Help for all Office apps. Set up your Office 365 subscription. Find howto articles and video tutorials. Contact our Answer Techs for assisted support. Microsoft Office Beginner Essentials Training Course. Breaking News Updates. Microsoft Office Productivity Software Training Courses. Microsoft Office is a suite of what is called Office Productivity tools that help most office worker achieve most of the tasks they need to manage their business and office. E5xI9qV30/UYItR5rSjhI/AAAAAAAADDU/E0gRU8ZeudY/s1600/How+to+enable+Arabic+keyboard+input+in+Windows2.jpg' alt='Microsoft Word Track Changes Numbering In Excel' title='Microsoft Word Track Changes Numbering In Excel' />These software programs are Microsoft Word for creating documents, fliers, brochures, tenders, reports, whitepapers and most things that require typing. Microsoft Excel for creating spreadsheets with calculations, managing databases for things like mail merge and demonstration information visually in charts and graphs. Microsoft Power. Point for creating presentations as well as brochures and fliers where you want to use graphic design elements using layers, images and text. Microsoft Outlook for sending emails, maintaining a contacts database, scheduling events on a calendar and managing tasks. Office Beginners Essentials also gets you FREE Student Inclusions. Forums/getfile/29336/' alt='Microsoft Word Track Changes Numbering In Excel' title='Microsoft Word Track Changes Numbering In Excel' />Enrol into the Microsoft Office Beginners Essentials and youll also get access to Ezy. Learns FREE Student inclusions. Courses available as an added bonus. Learn more about Free Student Inclusions. Whats included. At Ezy. Learn weve always created our own courses based on the concept that MOST student cannot take in a full day of training, rather they would prefer 2 3 hours of training and then to take a break, think about what theyve learnt, sometimes have a little practice and be tested and then go on to learn some new skills. Weve created modular course content that can be taught in half days. Interested in learning more about Excel VBA MrExcel will teach you how to use Microsoft Excel VBA. Check out our site for more information about Excel VBA tutorials. In this case, your hiring manager will no doubt expect a high level of proficiency. For other jobs even high level positions, literacy in at least Microsoft Word. The information below is taken from the first three modular courses in each software title. Course Fees and Enrolment. Course prices vary from time to time so for our latest pricing please visit our Enrolment Page and look for the heading Microsoft Office Beginners Essentials Courses. You can choose the Course only or Course and Certificate Option. See Course Prices and Enrolopens in new windowMicrosoft Word Beginners Courses. Even better than just a Word course youll have access to EVERY version of the Word course that is available on our LMS and all the learning tools including downloadable PDF Workbooks, video demonstrations, exercise files AND tests. Word Course 2. 01 Understand customise the Word screen. The Screen Get to know the name of all the different parts of the screen and what they do, including toolbars, menu bars, task pane, status bar etc. Customise your screen so that it is familiar to your preferences, including turning toolbars onoff. Change the measurement units, recently used documents and personalised menu settings. PDF files that contain the Visual Studio 2005 documentation. Help and support for the Microsoft Word app on PC, Mac, and mobile. Find howto articles, watch video tutorials, and get the most out of your Office 365 subscription. Change the zoom and understand that it only affects how you see things on the screen as opposed to how the document prints out. Understanding the Open dialog box and how to look into different folders to find a file and open it. Once the file is open youll learn how to get some fundamental information about that document, including how many pages and sections are in the document. Editing Text Understanding the mouse and text cursors and where text appears when you start typing. Move the text insertion point using both the mouse and keyboard, and move even faster where you want the text cursor using the Ctrl key in combination with the direction keys also called Arrow keys. Use the page up, page down, home and end keys to move around your document even faster. Learn how to edit and delete text using the Backspace and Delete keys,Non Printing Characters Learn how the Enter, space bar and tab keys put a non printing character on the screen. These characters do not print, but can be edited just like normal letters and numbers in other words the can be deleted. Saving Understand how to save files, where files are stored and file names, also learn the keyboard shortcuts for this command. Understand the principles involved in saving a file for the first time, subsequent saves and using Save as. Selecting text Learn how to select text using the mouse, keyboard and the Select All command. Learn how to undo any changes you make because new users to Word will often accidentally delete text and the best way to get it back is to Undo it. Learn about the 3 ways of Undoing. Understand where the selection bar is and use it and a combination of clicks, double clicks and tripple clicks to select words, paragraphs and the entire document. Learn also about some common problems that people encounter when selecting text. Use the SHIFT key on the keyboard to select text and combine it with other keys to select large amounts of text quite quickly. The more you learn to use the keyboard shortcuts, the faster it will be to create and edit your documents. Word Course 2. 02 Font formatting and default settings. Formatting Text formatting effects individual characters that first need to be selected highlighted. Youll learn about changing the font, font size, style, colour, how to make characters bold, italic and underlined and how to make several of these changes at the same time using the mouse via the formatting toolbar and the Font formatting dialog box that is accessed via the menu bar. Learn about default settings, in particular how to change the default font that is used in most Normal documents and learn how to use Format Painter to make formatting a breeze. Page Formatting Learn about the various page setup options and how to change the default Page Settings for Normal documents. This section will show you how to make the page print sideways landscape or tall portrait this is called Orientation and how to change your side and top and bottom margins distance that text appears from the edge of the page. Word Course 2. 03 Paragraph formatting. Paragraphs This topic is one of the hardest concepts to master for those starting out using Microsoft Word, yet it is a fundamental skill that helps you master other like tabs, indenting, and even advanced tools like styles and templates. Topics include understanding how the Enter key separates each paragraph and that a line with nothing in it except the enter character also called carriage return can contain paragraph formatting. How To Install Door Weatherstripping On 1969 Camaro. Youll learn how to select paragraphs to change their paragraph formatting different from font formatting. Line spacing and the amount of space before and after a paragraph can also be applied using paragraph formatting tools. Borders and Shading This is a very simple tool to use initially, but it can get more confusing depending on what you want to apply the formatting to. You can apply the formatting to text, paragraphs or entire pages. Topics Covered Understanding the tool buttons on the borders and shading toolbar, applying borders to paragraphs that contain indenting, and to several paragraphs at once. You also learn about different shading options again, you can get different formatting for text and paragraphs and learn how to combine text and paragraph shading for that added effect in your documents. Bullets and Numbering These tools provide a great way to make the information in your document easy to read. It also helps to highlight the main points and can show you main topic headings and sub categories. Youll learn How to start using bullets and numbering using some automatic tools this is an easy way to get started and it also teaches you how to deal with automatic bullet and number formatting if it happens and you dont want it to.