Car insurance discounts Car. Insurance. com. November 2, 2. By Michelle Megna. Car insurance discounts guide. There are many types of car insurance discounts that will help you lock in the cheapest car insurance for your particular situation. Learn the benefits of each type of discount and how to make sure you get all the discounts you can. The chart belows shows common discounts by insurance company. Below we explain all the details you need to know. Low mileage. Multi policy. Multi vehicle. Paid in full. Own home. Considering a Stolen Vehicle Recovery System Most, like OnStar, use GPS Tracking others, like LoJack, dont. We break down the pricing and the pros and cons. InformationWeek. com News, analysis and research for business technology professionals, plus peertopeer knowledge sharing. Engage with our community. Cassini has only three orbits left in its 20yearlong journey, the next of which starts today. On its final dive on September 15th, itll plunge itself into Saturn. Use our car insurance discounts guide to ensure you dont overpay for coverage. We have discount info for safe drivers, teen drivers and more. There are several solutions to install AC compressors for these conversions. Use the stock compressor, located in the stock location. Use a High mount. Loyalty. Air bag. Anti lock. Anti theft. New car. Good student. Teen driver ed. Student away. About-LoJack/News-and-Media/Press-Releases/LoJack-Releases-Fourth-Annual-Vehicle-Theft-Recove/large1-(1).jpg.aspx' alt='How Long Does It Take To Install A Lojack Car' title='How Long Does It Take To Install A Lojack Car' />Driver training. Safe driver. Accident free. Mature driver. Job discount. Transfer from competitor. Cara Membersihkan Ram Dengan Software. Start quote online. Early signing. Auto pay. Paperless. Affinity. AAAxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. Allstatexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. How%20to%20Purchase%20a%20LoJack%20Vehicle%20Recovery%20System%20for%20Your%20Car-person%20looking%20at%20LoJack%20webpage%20displaying%20Current%20Coverage%20Areas.jpg' alt='How Long Does It Take To Install A Lojack Car' title='How Long Does It Take To Install A Lojack Car' />American Family Insurancexxxxxxxxxxxxxx. Auto Owners Insurancexxxxxxxxxxxxxx. Country Insurancexxxxxxxx. Direct Generalxxxxxxxxxxxxx. Erie Insurancexxxxxxxxxxxxx. Esurancexxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. Everest Arrowheadxxxxx. Farmersxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. Geicoxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. IFA Insurancexxxxxxxxxx. Infinityxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. Liberty Mutualxxxxxxxxxxxx. Mercury Insurance Groupxxxxxxxxxxx. Met. Lifexxxxxxxxxxxx. Metromilexxxx. National General Insurance GMACxxxxxxxxx. Nationwidexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. Progressivexxxxxxxxxxxx. Safecoxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. State Farmxxxxxxxxxxx. The Generalxxxxxxxxxxx. The Hartfordxxxxxxxx. Titan Insurancexxxxxxxxxxxxx. Travelersxxxxxxxxxxxx. USAAxxxxxxxxxx. How do car insurance discounts work Discounts depend on state laws and an insurers own internal rules and guidelines. Each company will have its own eligibility criteria, and the savings will vary as well. You should be able to see what discounts youre currently receiving by reviewing the declarations page of your policy, though it may not list which vehicle is getting what discount and how much. Many discounts apply only to a certain type of coverage, such as collision. Also, while most insurance companies will allow you to receive multiple discounts, insurers usually also have an established maximum total discount theyll take off your full premium, such as 2. Keep in mind that discounts dont remove the need to comparison shop your coverage periodically. You may find that a car insurance company offering only a few discounts gives you an overall lower price for your policy. How do you make sure youre getting the right discountsWhen it comes to discounts, knowledge is power you cant get a discount you dont know about. The best way to be certain you are getting all the discounts you are eligible for is to ask your insurer. Ask for a full list of all the discounts the insurance company offers. Then, assess which ones you qualify for and notify your insurance company. If youre shopping for a new policy, be sure to ask potential insurers which discounts they provide, and to which coverages they apply. That way you can choose the company that has the most discounts that match your particular situation. Read more about Driver education and training discounts. Young driver discounts. Good driving history. Low risk driving behavior. Vehicle and safety feature discounts. Loyalty and multiple policy discounts. Payment option discounts. Paperless discounts. Education, military and affiliation discounts. New car, hybrid discounts. How car insurance companies decide what you pay. Discounts for driver training. If you are taking a driver improvement course for a discount, check with your car insurance carrier or state department of motor vehicles if the discount is state mandated for a list of approved course providers. Otherwise you may not get the discount you seek. Mature older driver discount 5 percent to 1. Available to Individuals 5. AARP defensive driving course. Conditions In many states, its mandatory for companies to offer this discount. Some states require a written exam at the end of the course. Discount typically applies to bodily injury liability, property damage liability, collision and comprehensive coverages. Length Typically this discount is good for three years, and it is commonly renewable if the course is taken again. Driver training Defensive driving Accident prevention discount 5 percent to 1. Available to Drivers who take an approved course or class to refresh and polish their skills. Conditions There may be age requirements, such as only those over 2. Sometimes all drivers of a vehicle must take the driving course in order for the discount to apply. Liability coverages of bodily injury and property damage are discounted normally along with collision coverage. If you take a defensive driving or driver improvement course to keep a ticket or points off your driving record, or to remove points from your driving record, then you may not be eligible to use the course for an auto insurance discount as well. Check with your auto insurance company on this matter. Length Typically this discount is good for three years. It may be renewable if the course is taken again. Driver education courses discounts 5 percent. Available to Drivers who complete an approved driver education course that includes both classroom training and behind the wheel, on the road instruction. Conditions Generally this type of course is for new drivers. If the state requires this training as part of the drivers licensing process, the discount may not be available. Discount usually applies to bodily injury liability, property damage liability and collision coverages. Length Typically this discount is good for three years. Drug and alcohol driving awareness training discounts 5 percent. Available to Drivers who complete a special class on alcohol and drug awareness. Conditions Texas requires a 5 percent discount when the principal driver on a policy completes the course. Discount may apply to liability coverages and collision coverage. Length Typically this discount will last for three years after the completion of the course. Discounts for young drivers. Good student discount 5 percent to 1. Available to Full time high school or college students sometimes including recent graduates who carry a 3. B grade point average or have achieved other certain academic criteria set by the auto insurance provider. Conditions Homeschooled teen drivers may also be eligible based on the results of standardized exams. The good student discount normally applies to bodily injury liability, property damage liability, PIP, medical payments, collision, and comprehensive coverages. Some insurers offer discounts up to 2. Length Typically renewable up to age 2. Parent teen driving contract discount Less than 5 percent. Available to Teenagers who have signed a contract to follow certain rules regarding their driving, such as not driving with passengers or after a certain time of night. Conditions Only certain insurers offer discount on liability coverages of the car the child is assigned to if this agreement is signed by both parent and teen. Student away at school discount Up to 1. Available to Parent or parents of a full time student living 1. Conditions Distance and discounts vary by insurer. Discount may apply to liability coverages along with PIP, medical payments, collision, and comprehensive coverage on the vehicle assigned to the child. Parent may be required to list child at higher rate during school breaks. Length Renewable while child is away at school and under the age of 2. Car insurance for college students isnt just about discounts. Types of Tracking Devices Explained GPS For Today. When you think about tracking devices these days your mind will automatically go to toward thinking about GPS. Our culture has enough exposure through experience, news shows like 6. Minutes, and crime show dramas that GPS tracking can be incredibly useful for law enforcement purposes. But we are also beginning to realize that the ability to have tracking devices on our person at all times is also a desirable condition. We think of how useful it would be to attach a GPS watch to an Alzheimers patient so that if they wander off they can be easily located by their family. Or we might see how beneficial it might be to be able to monitor our teens driving while they are out on the road using the family car. We may even see how easily a tracking unit could help us make a decision about whether or not a spouse is cheating on us, the location information provided by a data logging GPS confirming our suspicions about their fidelity. With all this utility staring us in the face it is no wonder that we are becoming a GPS centric society. New devices and new ways to track things are being introduced at an ever increasing pace. Tracking technology still has a long way to go, and as our ability to make more powerful satellites, more accurate time pieces, and more sensitive GPS receivers continues to grow our ability to do more with tracking devices will increase. As this happens, more and more of our tracking dreams will become a reality. In the mean time, lets take a look at the current state of tracking devices to help us get an idea of what is possible and where things might end up going to. Cell Phone Tracking Devices. The first tracking device that most people are going to recognize is the cell phone. This is probably the most widely used tracking device today but very few people actually realize that there cell phone can be used to track their movements. All a cell phone needs is a signal from a cell phone tower and to be turned on for it to be one of the most powerful tracking devices on the market. The way this particular device works is going to depend on your cell phone make and on the provider that you use, but you can summarize how each works by bringing up the principle of trilateration. How this works is that the cell phone does some fancy math to determine its location based upon the know location of either a cell phone tower or a GPS satellite, telling the mobile phone exactly where it is at any given moment in time. I have explained this concept in my post about how GPS tracking watches work, so you can see that article if you want a more in depth explanation. This has obvious implications as a personal tracking device. Since most people use cell phones in some capacity almost everyone is going to be able to be tracked in this way. Now some phones and phone service providers like to make the tracking function of their phones widely know for example the i. Phone, Blackberry, and other smartphones will shout this information from the top of their lungs but there are a lot of other phones that offer this functionality that can be used as tracking devices on a consumer level. The reason that I say on the consumer level is that the police and other first responders have the ability to track cell phones of all varieties, thanks in part to a 2. Some mobile providers will offer consumer grade tracking on their phones as part of a family tracking plan. I have seen rates for this starting at 5 a month which is really inexpensive for those who already have the data plan that these programs often require. But there are also ways to get GPS tracking on your cell phone for free. I have compiled a list of free GPS applications for cell phones, but these services are generally restricted to certain phones and require that you have a robust data plan to take full advantage of their functionality. They are extremely powerful and cheap, but even cheap GPS tracking can be expensive if you cant afford a data plan for your phone. Vehicle Tracking Devices. Another type of tracking device that people are going to think about are vehicle tracking devices. These are really commercial grade trackers that offer a whole host of important fleet management features for businesses and corporations. Some of the better devices can do much more than simply track the movements of a vehicle. They can Give directions to a driver, making routing and other business related activities much easier and much more efficient. Monitor important vehicle metrics like speed and direction as well as other vehicle performance indicators like the ease of stops and starts. Cute an idling engine that has been running too long. Turn off vehicle lights that have been left on by a driver. Give GPS coordinates to the authorities in case of a theft or medical emergency. Serve as an electronic and positional time card, helping workers work harder while on the clock. The thing about vehicle tracking systems is that they are anything but cheap. The tracking device itself will run you several hundred dollars depending on the level of functionality that you want the device to have. GPS bus tracking devices are going to be different than GPS fleet tracking devices because they will do different things. They will therefore have different costs associated with them. Another things about vehicle tracking that is going to raise the price a bit is paying for the tracking service with your provider. This can range from tens of dollars per unit to hundreds of dollars per unit. Most companies are going to give you a reduced price for each unit you track, but there is little you can do to reduce costs here expect for try and find a free GPS tracking software package. These do exist, but instead of money you will have to invest time to get the system to work just like you want it. For some individuals it is just going to better to go with a paid tracking service. Car Tracking Devices. Very similar to vehicle tracking devices, car tracking devices are used track a car or vehicle but they often lack some of the functionality that the more commercial grade vehicle trackers might have. For example, a car tracker usually doesnt have the ability to lock and unlock doors, cut the engine, or notify a driver if they are idling too long. A vehicle tracker does this because that is the market it is catered to businesses with fleets of vehicles it wants to monitor while car trackers appeal to individuals who want to see where their car is or to recover a stolen vehicle. In the world of GPS car tracking, there are two main uses to monitor an individuals activity or to recover a stolen vehicle. There are a few different reasons why a person might want to install a GPS tracking device inside of a car for the purpose of people monitoring. One reason is that the person might be a suspect in an ongoing police investigation and the police want to monitor their activity without the cost associated with physical surveillance. Using GPS is a lot more cost effective, and as long as a warrant has been obtained, they can track an individual for as long as the court deems appropriate. Another reason might be to keep track of a teens driving habits. By installing a GPS device in their car you can get a lot of information about how they drive, where they drive, and when they drive. This can be used to enforce family driving rules and create a safe environment for them to drive in.