Entertainment News Latest Breaking Celebrity, Film, TV, Music and Movie News. U-fIY1EuueESuqTgPqvUJJ8BMUMGvUz1L2Ot-zDkPomjUx7XQcCioHYwuEJUXEaSzm=h310' alt='Hotel Mogul Las Vegas Full House' title='Hotel Mogul Las Vegas Full House' />Inside Stephen Paddocks luxury Las Vegas hotel room where killer set up snipers nest to massacre 59 people. Pictures captured from inside the room on the 32nd floor. Vegas is constantly reinventing itself, discarding the old and donning the new. The King swivelhipped his way out of the building long ago, of course. This is the moment police closed in on the Las Vegas shooter and blew off the door to his hotel room 72 minutes after he started opening fire on country music. Video footage proves there were at least two shooters involved in a coordinated attack in Las Vegas, debunking the mainstream narrative. Why Are My Elbows Dry And Cracked. Kushner Companies has explored a development plan for one of its key buildings with casino mogul Steve Wynn, according to three people with knowledge of. Latest breaking entertainment news including celebrity, film, tv, music and movies. Up to the minute breaking entertainment news all on TownHall.