Registry-cleaning-guide1.png' alt='Failed To Read Install Registry Value Virus' title='Failed To Read Install Registry Value Virus' />John Carrona,BSOD crash analysis support, BSOD debugging and error reports and help for Microsoft Windows Operating Systems, driver research,crash dump analysis. I have upgraded my windows 8. I get several errors when I started task scheduler such as Task SvcRestart The task XML contains a value which is. SubInACL is a commandline tool that enables administrators to obtain security information about files, registry keys, and services, and transfer this. Information about Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7 and 8 including tweaks, slipstreaming, install, registry, and forum for all Windows versions. Follow the instructions provided here and delete programs associated with this hijacker from your PC. According to the latest news, this virus can be related to. Windows startup programs Database search. If youre frustrated with the time it takes your Windows 1. VistaXP PC to boot and then it seems to be running slowly you may have too. This is the original. Services are not included see below. For further information on this and how to identify and disable. Introduction page. See here for further information on random entries which are typically added by viruses and other. Last database update 3. October, 2. 01. 75. You can search for any of the following terms to find and display entries in the start up programs database but the minimum search is 3. Search button. Results are sorted by the Startup ItemName field. From Windows 1. 08 Task Manager CTRLSHIFTESC Startup Name, Command Note right click on any column heading and ensure Command is tickedFrom MSConfig Start Run msconfig Startup Startup Item, Command. From Registry Editor Start Run regedit Name, Data. Failed To Read Install Registry Value Virus' title='Failed To Read Install Registry Value Virus' />From Sys. Internals free Auto. Runs utility Auto. Run Entry, Filename from Image PathFrom Windows Defender for XPVista Tools Software Explorer Display Name, Filename. O4 entries from Hijack. This or similar logging utilities Text highlighted here this text or here Startup this text. Filename. Any other text. Alternatively, you can browse the full database without the search facility over a number of pages or. CommandData field, but the results may. A B C D E F G H I J K L B N O P Q R S T U V W X Y ZNOTE Searching for common words i. Please click on the Search button. RStartup Item or Name. Status. Command or Data. Description. Tested. Google Chrome. Xr. Detected by Malwarebytes as Trojan. Agent. CHR. The file is located in App. DataGooogle Chrome. No. LXR. exe. Detected by Malwarebytes as Rogue. Tech. Support. Scam. The file is located in Program. FilesPower Update removal instructions here. Noupdate. Xr. 00t. Detected by Sophos as W3. You could also change the same registry key or set Windows 8 to only install updates when you choose to work around this, just on Windows 7. Control Whats Updated. Rbot ACONo. Adobe. Master. Xr. 32nt. Detected by Kaspersky as Trojan. Win. 32. Agent. dple and by Malwarebytes as Backdoor. Agent. E. The file is located in WindirDriver Cachei. No. MSFTP Service Config. Xr. 3grun. exe. Detected by Trend Micro as WORMRBOT. CVINo. Fellowes Proxy. UR3proxy. exe. Installed with Fellowes Easy. Point mouse software. Not necessary for normal functioning of Fellowes mice but it is necessary to use the extended features of all Fellowes mice. No. Java. 23. 4XR8. YRU5. VA8. 6. exe. Detected by Dr. Web as Trojan. Inject. 5. 13. 71. Nofa. Xra. 32. exe. Detected by Mc. Afee as Back. Door CAYNo. RA4. WVPNXRA4. W VPN. exe. Detected by Mc. Afee as RDNGeneric Back. Door bbm and by Malwarebytes as Backdoor. Agent. RVNorandomXRA4. W VPN. exe. Detected by Malwarebytes as Backdoor. Agent. RV. The file is located in App. DataMicrosoft. No. Web. Ex. Remote. Access. Agent. Uraagtapp. Related to Web Meetings from Web. Ex Communications, Inc. Share and present online with anyone, anywhere. No. Rabbit. Wanna. Home. Xrabbit. exe. Detected by Symantec as W3. Mimail. Smm. No. Rabo Session Monitor. YRabo. Session. Mon. Related to Rabo. Bank electronic banking software. No. Rapdatae. Xrabseuser. Detected by Sophos as TrojQQPass SNo. Racl. XRacl. Svc. Detected by Mc. Afee as Generic. Malwarebytes as Adware. K. Right. Click. No. Ra. Config. 25. 00. NRa. Config. 25. 00. Ra. Link now Media. Tek wireless LAN configuration utility. No. Ra. Config. 25. EXENRa. Config. 25. Ra. Link now Media. Tek wireless LAN configuration utility. No. Ralink Wireless Utility. NRa. Config. 25. 00. Ra. Link now Media. Tek wireless LAN configuration utility. No. Rac. Tary. exe. XRac. Tary. exe. Detected by Sophos as W3. Mo. Fei YNo. Radar. XRadar. exe. Detected by Mc. Afee as RDNGeneric Dropper Malwarebytes as Trojan. Agent. STINo. Radar. Sync. NRadar. Sync. Radar. Sync utility included with some DFI motherboards such as the DFI Lan. Party Ultra which checks for BIOS and driver updates periodically. No. Rad. Boot. URad. Boot. exe. Rad. Linker tweakerlinker for ATI Radeon based graphics cards. It allows you easy access to per game settings. No. Catalyst. XRad. Driver. exe. Detected by Malwarebytes as Trojan. Agent. The file is located in TempNo. Intel Radeon Corp. Xradeon. cpl. Detected by Mc. Afee as RDNGeneric Downloader. Malwarebytes as Trojan. Banker. Gen. No. Intel Radeon. Corp. Xradeon. cpl. Detected by Mc. Afee as RDNGeneric Downloader. Malwarebytes as Trojan. Banker. Gen. No. Radialpoint. Servicepoint. exe. YRadialpoint. Servicepoint. Servicepoint tool installed when you install internet security suitea sourced by Radialpoint. Apart from downloading the suite installation files, the exact purpose is unknown at this time but it may be used to source critical updates and alerts so should therefore be left enabled. No. Radio Manager. URadio Manager. exe. Part of the MSI System Control Manager graphical utility for some of their laptops enablesdisables the Wi Fi and Bluetooth modules. No. Radio online. Uradio online. exe. Radio Online by Nend Software is very nice RadioTVMP3WMA player with many options. Everything works with an icon in your systray right bottom icon next to your clockNo. Radio. 36. 5Agent. URadio. 36. 5Tray. Agent. exe. Radio. PC No. RDSound. XRadio. FM. exe. Detected by Mc. Afee as Generic. tfr Malwarebytes as Trojan. Banker. No. Projeto. Unico. Xradlab. exe. Detected by Dr. Web as Trojan. PWS. Banker. 1. 1. Malwarebytes as Spyware. Banker. No. Microsoft. Xradnom. exe. Detected by Sophos as W3. Rbot GHO and by Malwarebytes as Trojan. Agent. MSGen. No. Chrome. Xrads. exe. Detected by Malwarebytes as Backdoor. Agent. E. The file is located in User. TempNo. WINDOWSUPDSX3. Xrafyvyhy. exe. Detected by Mc. Afee as RDNGeneric. Malwarebytes as Trojan. Agent. RNSNo. Windows Update. Xrage. exe. Detected by Malwarebytes as Backdoor. Eragbot. The file is located in Common. FilesSystem. No. Orig. Rage. 12. 8Tweaker. URAGE1. 28. TWEAK. EXEThird party tweaker for ATI Rage 1. Video cards. No. Rages. Camera. XRagesn. exe. Detected by Trend Micro as WORMSDBOT. AHJNo. Desktop Authority GUIUragui. Desktop Authority by Quest Software was Script. Logic remote access and management software which allows you to proactively target, secure, manage and support desktops from a central locationNo. Log. Me. In GUIUragui. Log. Me. In remote access and management software which allows you to connect to a computer or device at any time, from anywhere there is an Internet connection and configure, monitor, diagnose and support multiple remote computers. No. Remotely. Anywhere GUIUragui. Remotely. Anywhere by Log. Me. In, Inc Experience fast, secure system administration from anywhere. Remotely. Anywhere offers industry leading security and performance for remote administrationNo. System RAID Manager. Xraid. 64. exe. Detected by Sophos as TrojAgent NNZNo. Raid. Call. Nraidcall. Raid. Call is a free, elegant and simple tool that allows you to instantly communicate with groups of people. It brings together elements of instant messaging, group communication and voice chat into a professional group communication softwareNoraidhost. Xraidhost. exe. Detected by Sophos as TrojAgent LID and by Malwarebytes as Trojan. Agent. No. High. Point ATA RAID Management Software. Yraidman. exe. High. Point RAID management hard disk stripingmirroring utility for increased performance and reliability. Clayton Mobile Home Serial Number Search here. See here for more information on RAIDNo. Raid. Tool. Uraidtool. VIA V RAID Tool hard disk stripingmirroring utility for increased performance and reliability.