Issues with Windows Defender after installing Windows 1. Creators Update FixWith the introduction of Windows 1. Windows Defender has become even more capable. This is great for Microsoft as most of its users previously used 3rd party antivirus solutions. However, even though Windows Defender is a good service, its not always the primary choice for a lot of users. The reason Frequent issues that emerged after its latest update, with many users reporting more than one problem after theyve downloaded and installed the Creators Update. For that purpose, we listed some of the most reported issues and their solutions below. In case youve bumped into some problems with Windows Defender, make sure keep reading. Crashes. As we already stated, Windows Defender may be a good security solution when it works as intended. However, users that managed to obtain the Creators Update experienced issues with Windows Defender. The most critical issue is related to sudden crashes and to make the things even worse, some of them were unable to locate the Windows Defender options under Settings. Most of the time, the problem lies in missing or corrupted essential files. Windows-10-disable-windows-defender-save-tweak.png' alt='Disable Windows Defender Command Line' title='Disable Windows Defender Command Line' />There are a few ways to address this issue Restart your PC. Sometimes, a minor bug can cause a lot of trouble. Disable Windows Defender Command Line' title='Disable Windows Defender Command Line' />Windows Defender, officially called Windows Defender Antivirus in Windows 10 Creators Update, is an antimalware component of Microsoft Windows. Follow these stepbystep instructions to add Scan with Windows Defender option to folder context menu in Windows 8. Enable-or-disable-Windows-Defender-real-time-protection-Windows-10-pic1_thumb.jpg' alt='Disable Windows Defender Command Line' title='Disable Windows Defender Command Line' />Windows 10 is packed with features, but a lot of them are unnecessary. Heres how to safely prune unwanted features off your Windows 10 system for a more streamlined. It looks like WD keeps a history of all scans and keep older definition files. Is it ok to delete the content of these two folder and let WD rebuild their content. This tutorial will show you how to enable or disable the hidden builtin elevated Administrator account in Windows 10. You must be signed in as an administrator to be. Make sure to restart your PC before you move om to more advanced workarounds. Run SFC scan. Luckily, theres a built in tool that should help you with missing or corrupted system files. Follow these instructions to utilize this tool. Right click Start and open Command Prompt Admin. Under the command line, type the following command and press Enter. After the procedure is finished, check for changes in Windows Defender. Uninstall the 3rd party antivirus. Make sure to use only one security service because the presence of two will most certainly cause issues. Disable Firewall temporarily. Windows Firewall is the last line of defense against malicious attacks, but it may occasionally stall or even stop some other Windows services. You should disable it temporarily and look for changes. If youre not sure how to do it, follow the instructions below. Right click the Start menu and, under Administrative shortcuts, select Control Panel. Open System security. Click Windows Firewall. Disable both Private and Public networks. Try running Windows Defender again. If the problems are persistent after all of the above steps, youll need to turn to recovery options. Long scans. Another issue that emerged immediately after the Creators Update is related to long scans that sometimes lasts two hours. As you probably already know, the estimated scan time is somewhere around 1. Deep scan mode. There are several solutions for this problem and we hope that some of them will substantially decrease scanning time Uninstall 3rd party solutions. As we already advised in the previous error, make sure to run only one security solution at the time. Follow the instructions below to uninstall any 3rd party antivirus solutions from your PC. Right click Start and open Control Panel. Click Uninstall a program in the Category view. Navigate to an antivirus program on the list and Uninstall it. Restart your PC and check for changes. Clear the registry with a dedicated tool. Some registry issues can cause long scan times. We advise you to use some of these third party tools to clean your registry. Dont forget to back your registry up before the cleanup. Update definition base manually. The definition doesnt auto update by default, so you can do it manually. Follow these instructions to do so. Open Windows Defender from the notification area in the taskbar. Open the Update tab. Click Update. After the process is finished, repeat the scanning process and look for changes. Defender collides with 3rd party antivirus. Some users reported that theyre quite satisfied with their 3rd party antimalwareantispyware solutions, but Windows Defenders persistence in trying to take over causes a lot of problems. 1100 Words You Need To Know Software Reviews on this page. For example, after the update some users werent able to use Norton Antivirus. Since Windows Defender is a built in part of Windows, it cant be uninstalled, but you can prevent the Security Center from interfering the 3rd party software. Follow these instructions to do so In the Search Windows bar, type gpedit. Local Group Policy Editor. Open Computer Configuration. Choose Administrative templates. Select Windows Components. Open Windows Defender. In the right side window, locate the Turn off Windows Defender policy. Double click on this policy and click Enable within its properties. That should relieve you of possible annoyances caused by Windows Defender. From now on, you can use your preferred antivirus software solely. Health report keeps on showing. With the Creators Update, all around security and performance maintenance options are located within Security Center. However, after the update, users are frequently annoyed by recurring reports and errors within the system. Ultimately, it seems that Microsoft made a tool thats too diligent for its own good, and probably isnt what they intended to do. However, this feature can be disabled so you wont be prompted all the time about minor issues. Follow the instructions to do so Under the Windows Search, type regedit and open the Registry Editor. Backup your registry and continue with steps. Navigate to this exact location. ComputerHKEYLOCALMACHINESYSTEMCurrent. Control. SetServicesSecurity. Health. Service. In the right part of the window, youll see Start and Type inputs. Change their values to 3. Confirm changes. Right click taskbar and open the Task Manager. Under the Startup tab, disable Windows Defender Notification and save changes. Reboot your PC and youll be good to go. That should do it. If you have any other issues, alternative solutions, or questions regarding the subject, make sure to post them in the comments section thats just below. RELATED STORIES YOU NEED TO CHECK OUT. Cannot open IE in Windows 1. Outlook does not use IE to retrieve your emails. Follow below troubleshooting steps. Step 1 Open Command Prompt as a administrator by pressing Win X, and then press A letter key. Run below command from Command Prompt that is open as administrator. You would use DISM to fix Windows component store corruption when a sfc scannow command is unable to repair corrupted or modified system files because the component store source is corrupted. Dism Online Cleanup Image Restore. Health. SFC should be able to repair the files afterwards. Execute below command to make sure corrupted system files repaired. Step 2 Reset Internet Explorer setting to it default settings. Reset Internet Explorer Settings to default in Windows 1. Step 3 The No Add ons mode allows Internet Explorer to temporarily run without any add ons like Toolbars, Active. X controls, etc. The No addons mode in Internet Explorer is rather useful when you want to troubleshoot incompatible browser add ons or extensions. It is also very useful when you want to troubleshoot a problem like say freezing of your IE, to identify whether it is related to any add on. Add ons are programs that supplement your web browser with additional features such as tool bars and Active. X controls. Some come pre installed in Internet Explorer while some are installed via the Internet. It is relatively easy to install Internet Explorer add ons. They require your permission before getting installed on your system. But some may do without your consent. Open an elevated Command Prompt window press Win X, and then press A key andtype below command, hit Enter, to open IE in No addons mode. Program. FilesInternet Exploreriexplore. Then if you need to, the through Internet Options Manage Add ons, you can enable or disable each add on to identify which, if any, add on is creating problems. Useful if your Internet Explorer crashes or freezes frequently and you want to make it run faster. Step 4 Clean Boot. If the error is caused by a current running process, restart your Windows system using the clean boot method will allow you to troubleshoot if a current service or process is causing the error to appear. With a clean boot only the necessary services and process that are required to operate Windows are started when you boot your computer. Follow these steps Start Windows. Open Run dialog box by pressing keys. Type msconfig and press Enter key. Go to General tab check Selective Startup option. Uncheck the Load startup items check box. Go to Services tab. Check Hide all Microsoft services check box from the bottom left corner of the window. Click Disable all. Click OKRestart Windows. To reset these changes and start your Windows normally, follow the same steps Go to the General tab. Check the Normal Startup option.