Windows Port Knock Application Greg Sowell Consulting. It seems to be becoming more popular to use port knocking applications these days. Port knocking is sending connection attempts to a device in a specific pattern to unlock a specific service. An example would be to send 3 UDP connection attempts to a Mikrotik router all on different port numbers in a specific order. It will then add your IP address to a specific address list so you can winbox in. I found an application out there for windows that does it, but it only did UDPI wanted one that would do both. I also wanted the ability to send text with the UDP connections to do L7 matches on it. Basically what you do is fill out the entries, IP address, description and at least one knock port. Fill out protocol type, the port you want to knock on and if it is UDP, you can optionally add some text to send with the message Region Directives created by Auto. It. 3WrapperGUI. Auto. It. 3Wrapperoutfileportknock. End. Region Directives created by Auto. It. 3WrapperGUI. Button. Constants. Combo. Constants. Edit. Constants. GUIConstants. Ex. GUIList. Box. au. Windows Live Mail is a great free desktop email management program that is included with Windows 7. It is very efficient at configuring popular email addresses, such. For Windows 7 VDAs that will use Personal vDisk, install Microsoft hotfix 2614892 A computer stops responding because of a deadlock situation in the Mountmgr. The solution to Enable Remote Desktop Server on Windows10 Home, this Solution is also for Windows 8. Windows 8 Home and Windows7 Starter ContentStatic. Constants. Windows. Constants. Array. File. InstallC Documents and SettingsgregDesktopautoitportknockTCP. Script. Dir TCP. List. Location 1. File. ExistsScript. Dir config. Then. create it with dummy info. File. OpenScript. Dir config. If file 1 Then. Msg. Box0, Error, Unable to open file. File. Write. Linefile, Description IPAddress UDP Port Greg. Rocks. File. Closefile. Start The Services. Region START Koda GUI section FormC Documents and SettingsgregDesktopautoitportknockForm. Form. 11 GUICreateGreg. Sowell. com Port Knock, 4. List. 1 GUICtrl. Create. List, 2. CBO1 GUICtrl. Create. ComboNone, 3. GUICtrl. Set. Data 1, TCPUDP. In. 1Port GUICtrl. Create. Input, 1. In. 1Text GUICtrl. Create. Input, 2. Label. 1 GUICtrl. Create. Label1, 9, 2. BTNKnock GUICtrl. Create. ButtonKnock, 9. WSGROUP. BTNAdd GUICtrl. Create. ButtonAddUpdate, 1. WSGROUP. BTNDelete GUICtrl. Create. ButtonDelete, 2. WSGROUP. In. IP GUICtrl. Create. Input, 4. Label. 2 GUICtrl. Create. LabelIP, 8, 2. Label. 3 GUICtrl. Create. LabelType, 4. Label. 4 GUICtrl. Create. LabelPort, 1. Label. 5 GUICtrl. Create. LabelText, 2. CBO2 GUICtrl. Create. ComboNone, 3. 3, 3. GUICtrl. Set. Data 1, TCPUDP. In. 2Port GUICtrl. Create. Input, 1. In. 2Text GUICtrl. Create. Input, 2. Label. 6 GUICtrl. Create. Label2, 9, 3. CBO3 GUICtrl. Create. ComboNone, 3. 3, 3. GUICtrl. Set. Data 1, TCPUDP. In. 3Port GUICtrl. Create. Input, 1. In. 3Text GUICtrl. Create. Input, 2. Label. 7 GUICtrl. Create. Label3, 9, 3. CBO4 GUICtrl. Create. ComboNone, 3. 3, 3. GUICtrl. Set. Data 1, TCPUDP. In. 4Port GUICtrl. Create. Input, 1. In. 4Text GUICtrl. Create. Input, 2. Label. 8 GUICtrl. Create. Label4, 9, 3. In. Desc GUICtrl. Create. Input, 2. Label. 9 GUICtrl. Create. LabelDesc, 2. GUISet. StateSWSHOW. End. Region END Koda GUI section. Msg GUIGet. Msg. One 0. Config. loop through until we find the correct line. String. Lefta. Configy, String. In. Stra. Configy, 1 GUICtrl. ReadIn. Desc Then. One y. if found. One 0 Then. New. Entry GUICtrl. ReadIn. Desc GUICtrl. ReadIn. IP GUICtrl. ReadCBO1 GUICtrl. ReadIn. 1Port GUICtrl. ReadIn. 1Text. GUICtrl. ReadCBO2 lt None Then. New. Entry temp. New. Entry GUICtrl. ReadCBO2 GUICtrl. ReadIn. 2Port GUICtrl. ReadIn. 2Text. GUICtrl. ReadCBO3 lt None Then. New. Entry temp. New. Entry GUICtrl. ReadCBO3 GUICtrl. ReadIn. 3Port GUICtrl. ReadIn. 3Text. GUICtrl. ReadCBO4 lt None Then. New. Entry temp. New. Entry GUICtrl. ReadCBO4 GUICtrl. ReadIn. 4Port GUICtrl. ReadIn. 4Text. Array. Adda. Config, temp. New. Entry. does exist, and write over line y. Configfound. One GUICtrl. ReadIn. Desc GUICtrl. ReadIn. IP GUICtrl. ReadCBO1 GUICtrl. ReadIn. 1Port GUICtrl. ReadIn. 1Text. GUICtrl. ReadCBO2 lt None Then. Configfound. One a. Configfound. One GUICtrl. ReadCBO2 GUICtrl. ReadIn. 2Port GUICtrl. ReadIn. 2Text. GUICtrl. ReadCBO3 lt None Then. Configfound. One a. Configfound. One GUICtrl. ReadCBO3 GUICtrl. ReadIn. 3Port GUICtrl. ReadIn. 3Text. GUICtrl. ReadCBO4 lt None Then. Configfound. One a. Configfound. One GUICtrl. ReadCBO4 GUICtrl. ReadIn. 4Port GUICtrl. ReadIn. 4Text. File. Write. From. ArrayScript. Dir config. Config,1. Read. Config. Case BTNDelete. Config0. loop through until we find the correct line. String. Lefta. Configy, String. In. Stra. Configy, 1 GUICtrl. ReadIn. Desc Then. Array. Deletea. Config, y. File. Write. From. ArrayScript. Dir config. Config,1. Read. Config. Case BTNKnock. gIP GUICtrl. ReadIn. IP. gport GUICtrl. ReadIn. 1Port. GUICtrl. ReadIn. Text. if GUICtrl. ReadCBO1 TCP Then. GUICtrl. ReadCBO2 lt None Then. GUICtrl. ReadIn. Port. GUICtrl. ReadIn. Text. GUICtrl. ReadCBO2 TCP Then. Elseif GUICtrl. ReadCBO2 UDP Then. GUICtrl. ReadCBO3 lt None Then. A Camping Spree With Mr Magee Activities For Adults. GUICtrl. ReadIn. Port. GUICtrl. ReadIn. Text. GUICtrl. ReadCBO3 TCP Then. Elseif GUICtrl. ReadCBO3 UDP Then. GUICtrl. ReadCBO4 lt None Then. GUICtrl. ReadIn. Port. GUICtrl. ReadIn. Text. GUICtrl. ReadCBO4 TCP Then. Elseif GUICtrl. ReadCBO4 UDP Then. Tool. Tipknock complete. GUIEVENTPRIMARYUP. List GUICtrl. ReadList. List lt List. Location and temp. List lt Then. List. Location temp. List. GUICtrl. Set. DataIn. Desc,. GUICtrl. Set. DataIn. IP,. GUICtrl. Set. DataCBO1,None. GUICtrl. Set. DataIn. Port,. GUICtrl. Set. DataIn. 1Text,. GUICtrl. Set. DataCBO2,None. GUICtrl. Set. DataIn. Port,. GUICtrl. Set. DataIn. 2Text,. GUICtrl. Set. DataCBO3,None. GUICtrl. Set. DataIn. Port,. GUICtrl. Set. DataIn. 3Text,. GUICtrl. Set. DataCBO4,None. GUICtrl. Set. DataIn. Port,. GUICtrl. Set. DataIn. 4Text,. Config0. String. Lefta. Configy, String. In. Stra. Configy, 1 List. Location Then. we have our match. Config. Line a. Configy. GUICtrl. Set. DataIn. Desc, List. Location. GUICtrl. Set. DataIn. IP, String. MidConfig. Line,String. In. StrConfig. Line, 1, String. In. StrConfig. Line, ,0,2 String. In. StrConfig. Line, 1. GUICtrl. Set. DataCBO1, String. MidConfig. Line,String. In. StrConfig. Line, ,0,2 1, String. In. StrConfig. Line, ,0,3 String. In. StrConfig. Line, ,0,2 1.