Best Software To Lock Desktop Icon' title='Best Software To Lock Desktop Icon' />Lock Folder software for Windows XP, Vista, 7. Powerful tool for locking your folders, files, and drives. Incredible Desktop Wallpaper. DisplayFusions MultiMonitor Wallpaper feature lets you breakfree from the restraints of the default Windows wallpaper manager, and. Icon Restore gives you the ability to save the placement of your desktop icons and restore them to their saved placement any time they get moved. Simply place. The podcast craze of the past several years shows no signs of slowing down, and while every armchair broadcaster with a voice recorder app is eager to get in the game. Here is the list of 29 best free network IP scanner software for Windows. They all can scan complete range of LAN IP addresses to check their connectivity. Lock icon appears beside file names. Lock Icon on Files in Windows 7. Windows 10 is chockfull of handy, hidden new features worth exploring, especially after the massive Fall Creators Update. Check out the best tips and. Why Is There a Lock Padlock Icon Overlay Appearing on Some Files and Folders in Windows 7. Radmin VPN 1. 0. 3447 Published 16 November, 2017 0759 Radmin VPN is a free and easytouse software product. Crowdfund innovations in tech and design before they go mainstream, and buy hundreds of unique products shipping now from Indiegogos Marketplace. Archived from groups microsoft. Hi I know this forum says Win XP, but I did not see one for Windows 2000. I have a pc in my building. When you talk about the Lock Icon on files, you are probably referring to something like this This is something that I had trouble finding information on as well, but finally found a reasonable answer. I currently use Windows 7 Professional and the Lock Icon appears on some files when I move them around from Desktop to folders on my C Drive such as C Media. Essentially what I found is that the files are not shared outside of the Administrator access you so if anyone else logs into the computer and tries to access those files with the lock icon they will be prompted by UAC for credentials to continue. This is a general security measure and Im not entirely sure if it is due to Bit. Locker or if it is built into Windows 7 though I am leaning toward the latter. What does this mean for you Well if you are an administrator on your computer as the main account often is then nothing is different for you. Access 2007 Dlookup Update Query Example. You can access those files and move them around however you want. For anyone else who attempts to use your computer without being under your login credentials, they will be prompted to input your credentials before they have access to those files. How to Remove The Lock Icon. Lets say that this lock icon is just annoying, or you really have no reason to lock down files and restrict access. In this case, you can Right Click the files in question and choose Share With. Choosing Nobody from this menu means that only the administrator you may read or write these files, essentially locking them for anyone else. There is also the ability to share with Homegroup in either Read Only view but not edit or Homegroup ReadWrite access. The latter is essentially giving full permissions to anyone that uses your computer to read or write that file without credentials. Keep in mind that the additional items on my Right click menu may not show up for you AVG, Tera. Copy, etc because these are 3rd party installed programs I use. If you are seeing Lock Icons on items though, then you should see the Share With on your Right Click Menu As you can see, choosing Nobody will put a lock on that file and choosing either Homegroup option will remove the lock. If you wish to do this for more than just a single file, you can select many files and set Sharing on them, or you can also choose entire folders in my case C Media whereby anything you put in there will not be locked down. If a file you put in a shared folder is still showing a lock icon, simply right click it and choose the Share With menu to correct that. Keep in mind, if you choose to make files shared with homegroup, they will be accessible to anyone who logs into the computer and anyone who logs into via computer to computer network sharing.