I have a partially completed book using PageMaker 7. Windows 7 Pro 64 bit. Will PageMaker 7. Windows 10 pro 64. Im running 64bit Windows 7 Ultimate. I downloaded Adobe Acrobat Reader 9. Windows 7 from the Adobe website. Crystal Hack Pokemon Dark Future Downloadable Songs. I saved the. exe file to my hard drive and ran it. Is Acrobat XI Pro compatible with Windows 1. Adobe Community. Try this Go to setting in Windows 1. Go to Default APPSAt the bottom of the list are three text lines, select CHOOSE DEFAULT APPS BY FILE TYPEScroll down until you get to . Left click on the Microsoft Edge Icon. You will then have a choice to select Adobe, Edge or browse the store for a different app. Select Adobe. This will change all your PDF, PDX ext files to open with Adobe. Page. Maker 7. 0 and Windows 1. Adobe Community. Hi All. Faced the same problems a few years ago namely how to get PM6. XP to work on Win 7. Answer Dont try installing the software. It wont. 1. Just copy the entire pm. Program Files in XP to the 3. Explanation of the end of support policy for Acrobat X and Reader X and recommendations for upgrading to Adobe Acrobat DC and Reader DC. Win. 7 C Program Files x. Create a shortcut on the desktop with the correct starting dir. There is a small file in the PM dir that can be clicked on and it places info into the registry. It has a. reg name. Start the program first using the shortcut and if it doesnt work, double click this and it will automatically be enetered into the registry. By the way, the small file can be edited or just looked at with a simple text editor. Now start the program. It should work perfectly. Reads old files, makes new ones, etc. Ive been using it for some time now. Although PM6. 5 may be old, the paradigm of moving through the book horizontally is far superior to anything else. Making PDFs. I first installed the latest black background Acrobat 1. Adobe Acrobat Windows 7 Compatibility' title='Adobe Acrobat Windows 7 Compatibility' />I think. Hard to use. Difficult to see. Deleted it and now use Acrobat 8 which does everything I need it to do. Adobe Acrobat Windows 7 Compatibility' title='Adobe Acrobat Windows 7 Compatibility' />Adobe PDF. Have been happily creating books using the software. Wont upgrade to Win. I cant be bothered with the enormous disruption for no gain at all. ADDED EXTRA. many programs that wont re install on Win. Occasionally you might need to tweak the registry.